History of VCRC

A thought became a theme and then reality to take shape in the year 1991 with the introduction of VOCATIONAL COURSE IN RAILWAY COMMERCIAL.

The founder of this Vocational Course had held a strong belief that this influx of fresh vibrant young minds would hold enough promise to revolutionise the work culture in the organisation and that PROPHECY has been extremely accurate.

Thereby, the VCRCIANS have found unstinted admiration from those in the upper echelons of the administration and intense attention from many of the remaining others, as the patriarchal system is self protecting and ever perpetuating

The VCRCians were taught to believe in a motto – “it is better to aim for the moon and miss it rather than aim for the ditch and hit it”.Every VCRCIAN, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting conviction, which move with him. It is in our character to be resilient and follow our heart’s deepest impulses where our intuitions sometime takes a giant leap to create ripples all around us. We all try to outdo one another in terms goodness, success and glory. This is reflected in our annual meets.

Love, life and Laughter is the tripod on which we stand and strife forward.
