Change of terminal from Howrah to Shalimar
Change of terminal from Howrah to Shalimar For trains (both Original and Special train numbers ) 02101/02102 , 09205/09206 , 02905/02906 , 02543/02544 , 08645/08646 , 08047/08048 , 02087/02088 , 08409/08410 date 14.09.2021 / 15.09.2021
View DownloadRailway Board letter no.TC-I/2020/103/efile/1-Part(1) (3328202) Dt. 02.09.21
Railway Board letter no.TC-I/2020/103/efile/1-Part(1) (3328202) Dt. 02.09.21
Generation of Electronic Cash Remittance Notes(e-CR Notes) through system( TMS/FOIS) – Online Goods Balance Sheet
Railway Board letter no.TC-I/2019/201/6-Part(1)(3327639) Dt. 01.09.21
Railway Board letter no.TC-I/2019/201/6-Part(1)(3327639) Dt. 01.09.21
Guidelines regarding round the clock working at Railway Terminals
Corrigendum no 1 to RC 21/2020 Dt.31.08.2021
Corrigendum no 1 to RC 21/2020 Dt.31.08.2021
Hire Charges on Wagons interchanged-revision of
Railway Board letter no. TC-I/2020/103/efile/1 (3326889) Dt. 31.08.21
Railway Board letter no. TC-I/2020/103/efile/1 (3326889) Dt. 31.08.21
Creation of additional field in the format of eT-RR
Corrigendum no 2 to RMC/eT-RR/2019 Dt. 31.08.2021
Corrigendum no 2 to RMC/eT-RR/2019 Dt. 31.08.2021
Procedure for delivery of consignment on Electronic Transmission of Railway Receipts(eT-RR)
Railway Board letter no. TC-I/2020/101/e-RD/Misc/3319111 Dt.26.08.2021
Railway Board letter no. TC-I/2020/101/e-RD/Misc/3319111 Dt.26.08.2021
Inclusion of Company Identification Number ( CIN ) in FOIS
Railway Board letter no. TC-I/2020/101/Ironore(3319155) Dt.17.08.2021
Railway Board letter no. TC-I/2020/101/Ironore(3319155) Dt.17.08.2021
Integration of CHiMMS with FOIS for e-RD in case of Iron ore traffic and its beneficiated product
CC 10/2021 Dt. 19.08.2021
CC 10/2021 Dt. 19.08.2021
Fare Structure of AC-3 tier Economy Coach
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